Chin Implants Richmond, VA

chin implants richmond vaImprove, enhance, and redefine the natural balance and harmony of your facial profile with chin implants!

Chin augmentation is a surgical procedure designed to enhance the proportionality and natural balance of the chin, jawline, and lower face through the use of a synthetic implant. This cosmetic procedure is ideal for patients who are dissatisfied with the appearance of a receding, or “weak”, chin and are seeking an improved facial profile. The chin implant can help elongate the face and develop a stronger and/or wider chin, thereby creating the appearance of a more prominent, balanced jawline and symmetric features.* If you are looking for chin implants Richmond, VA, contact us today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Godin!

When altering the contours of the lower face, it is critical to take into account each patient’s unique structural anatomy in order to create a naturally-beautiful profile that blends with and augments the patient’s natural anatomy. Dr. Michael Godin is a double Board certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon with a private surgical practice in Los Angeles, California. He brings years of experience with facial surgery, detailed knowledge of the intricate structures of the face, and the artistic talent to foresee how even minute changes to this prominent region can impact the appearance of the entire face.  

Benefits of Chin Implants Richmond, VA with Dr. Godin

  • Dr. Godin is a nationally-recognized researcher on the rapidly-advancing world of biocompatible implant technology. He has selected medical-grade Gore-Tex implants due to their impressive safety record.
  • Unlike autograft materials (meaning that they are taken from the patient’s own body) which are naturally reabsorbed over time, Gore-Tex biocompatible implants create a permanent alteration to the shape of the chin and jaw.
  • Every chin augmentation is different. Dr. Godin works closely with each patient to ensure that the size and shape of the implant will complement and augment the patient’s natural facial contours.
  • Dr. Godin makes every effort to avoid the appearance of long-term visible scarring by creating incisions inside the mouth where they will be hidden from view.

*Individual results may vary. Results are not guaranteed.

If you are interested in learning more about chin implants Richmond, VA, contact us today!

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